Kitchen Stuff Plus is a leading Canadian retailer in housewares and home decor, focused on buying direct and passing the savings onto customers.
Their problem wasn’t obvious until Zipline’s Sales Director went shopping and noticed employees using clipboards and pens. She reached out to Samantha Smeaton, VP of Sales and Marketing at Kitchen Stuff Plus Inc., with a modern solution for store communications.
“We realized how much more effectively we could be communicating with our store teams,” says Samantha.
A place for everything and everything in one place
At the time, Kitchen Stuff Plus was using email, Basecamp, text messaging, and phone calls to send information out to the fleet—with no way of knowing what was landing. HQ would blanket all channels and cross their fingers the messages were received.
What got Samantha most excited about Zipline was the ability to consolidate, streamline, and track communications and task management in one convenient place. Now, they can target the right information to the right store and be 100% sure it was read and actioned.
Happier employees, thriving stores
One of the biggest changes for Kitchen Stuff Plus was how requests are communicated to the fleet. They feel more motivated and connected to the brand now, because Zipline pairs tasks with communication.
That means knowing the “why” behind the “what.” And getting more opportunity to have fun and humanize what was previously an impersonal, task-oriented process.
“Our messages have gone from dry and bland to friendly and approachable,” said Eryn Curran, who manages Kitchen Stuff Plus’s communications.
Support stuff—plus!
With a dedicated account manager and “pink bubble” support, Kitchen Stuff Plus knows they can rely on Zipline every step of the way. As Samantha puts it: “Everyone I meet from Zipline is top-notch, supportive, and solutions-driven.”
Along with a knowledgeable and compassionate customer community to take part in—something Operations Manager Renata Baron discovered when she attended Zipline’s “Summer Camp” customer meetup.
“Being able to listen to how customers use Zipline really opened my eyes to the possibilities. I learned a lot of best practices and am so thankful for the opportunity to be part of this community.”
“We are an innovative and nimble company and we are so thankful to be working with a like-minded vendor that helps us push the limits of technology and inspires us to think about communication in a way that serves our employees while driving better business results.”
– Samantha Smeaton, VP of Sales and Marketing at Kitchen Stuff Plus Inc
Learn how Zipline can keep your day on track
Book a demo to talk about your needs, our solutions, and get a chance at a free copy of our co-founders’ bestselling book, Stores Don’t Suck: The 5 Principles of Amazing Retail Execution.