How L.L.Bean Made Store Communication Awesome

Featuring Justina Griffin, Manager, Store Communications at L.L.Bean

October 8, 2024

This blog post is brought to you by Summer Camp – Zipline’s annual customer conference where store communicators come to connect, inspire, and grow. This year, 23 store operations leaders from 16 best-in-class retail brands took the stage to share their stories. Among them: Justina Griffin, Manager, Store Communications at L.L.Bean. Read Justina’s story of leveraging field feedback to drive change, below.

If there’s one thing that’s certain in retail, it’s change.

Changes to prices, promotions, product strategies, planograms—the list goes on and on. Sometimes, these changes result from external factors like customer preferences, market conditions, or the occasional (inevitable) delivery truck delay.

But other times, change comes from within. Case-in-point: L.L.Bean’s decision to revamp their store communications strategy.

As a long-time Zipline customer, L.L. Bean has had a strong feedback loop in place for four years. They constantly listen to their frontline and track associate experience. But earlier this year, their Manager of Store Communications, Justina Griffin, noticed some interesting patterns while pulling Zipline reports. “We wanted to dig deeper and find out what was working and what wasn’t,” she explained. 

Justina and team decided their four-year Zipline anniversary was as good a time as any to pulse check the field. “We asked them: what’s working? What do you love? And what opportunities do we still have or what opportunities have come up in the last three to four years?” she said.

As it turns out, store associates were becoming more critical of L.L.Bean’s volume of communication and its consistency. “That’s when we knew it was time to make some improvements,” said Justina.

To tackle the necessary changes, the L.L.Bean team devised a structured implementation plan. Drawing from their previous experiences, they opted for a phased approach they refer to as “crawl, walk, run” … but in reverse. This approach allowed Justina and the team to quickly address the most pressing issues while gradually introducing more complex changes that required additional time and education for both partners and store teams.

The “Run” Phase: Quick Wins 

The first phase, which Justina calls the “Run Phase,” was all about making immediate, high-impact changes. “We focused on changes that would have a big effect but were easy to implement,” she said.

One of the major adjustments was how they formatted their communications. L.L. Bean implemented a “Three P” strategy: People, Product, Productivity. 

We also revamped the templates, breaking down communications from an overview into specific tasks. Titles of our communications now include the relevant category, a direct response to field feedback. While communication isn’t always predictable—sometimes a people-related message might need to go out on a productivity day—the new titles ensure leaders can quickly identify the focus of each message. Although we expect everyone to read all communications in Zipline, this system allows leaders to manage their areas more effectively, delegate tasks appropriately, and maintain better control over their workload.

This simple change made a huge difference. “Our leaders could predict when certain types of information would come in, making it easier for them to manage their time,” she said. 

The “Walk” Phase: Getting Business Partners on Board

Next up was the “Walk Phase.” This phase required a bit more time and effort as it involved getting business partners on board. 

“We started sending out messages on specific days based on our ‘Three P’ categories,” Justina said. “Mondays were for people-related news, Tuesdays for product updates, and Wednesdays for productivity tips.”

As for the other days of the week? “If it doesn’t make us a million dollars, we shouldn’t be communicating it on a Friday,” said Justina with a laugh. While the team knew they couldn’t avoid Friday messages outright (urgent things still come up!), they aimed to limit it to informational content rather than actionable tasks. This allowed store teams to focus on selling without being bogged down by new directives. 

“We had to train our partners to follow the new communication schedule,” Justina explained. “It wasn’t just about sending out messages; it was about doing it in a way that made sense to everyone.”

The effort paid off. “We aligned with our partners to ensure that all communications were consistent and clear,” she said. This phase was crucial for establishing a solid foundation for long-term success.

The “Crawl” Phase: Long-Term Enhancements

The final phase, the “Crawl Phase,” was all about making long-term, sustainable changes. “We wanted to improve the overall user experience of our Zipline platform,” Justina said. “This meant redesigning the dashboard based on feedback from our field leaders.”

One of the most interesting parts of this phase was how the team integrated elements of L.L.Bean’s brand into the dashboard. “We added icons and visual elements that reflected our brand’s outdoor heritage,” Justina shared. “We also included our mission statement to remind everyone of our core values. And of course – everything was in ‘Bean Green,’” she said with a smile.

These changes made L.L.Bean’s Zipline dashboard not only more functional, but also more engaging. 

Listening to the Field

Throughout our conversation, one thing became clear: L.L.Bean’s success was largely due to their commitment to listening to their field teams. “We take them along for the ride in everything we do,” Justina emphasized. “Communication is no different.”

By continuously gathering feedback through surveys, store visits, and conversations, L.L.Bean ensured that their communication strategies were always aligned with the needs and preferences of their teams. “The feedback loop is essential,” Justina said. “It helps us make informed decisions and drives successful outcomes.”

Bumps Along the Way

Of course, no change comes without its challenges. Justina was candid about the bumps along the way. “One of the biggest challenges was ensuring that everyone followed the new communication schedule,” she said. “It took time and patience.”

But flexibility and adaptation were key. “We had to be willing to adjust our plans based on what we were hearing from the field,” she said. “Sometimes that meant changing the scope or timing of a project to better meet their needs.”

For example, during the busy holiday season, they decided to hold off on some of the dashboard changes. “We didn’t want to move people’s cheese during the busiest time of the year,” Justina laughed. “We waited until things calmed down to implement those changes.”

The Results: Enhanced Engagement and Efficiency

The results of L.L.Bean’s phased approach have been impressive. “Our communication is now much more predictable and manageable,” Justina said proudly. “Leaders can plan their days better, and associates feel more connected and informed.”

One of the most significant outcomes has been the increase in engagement. “Our teams are more involved in the communication process,” she explained. “They feel heard and valued, which makes them more engaged in their work.”

Efficiency has also improved. By streamlining communications and making them more relevant, L.L.Bean has saved time and reduced the information overload that can be so overwhelming in retail. “We’ve seen a big reduction in the volume of messages, and the ones we do send are more impactful,” Justina noted.

Looking Ahead

Justina and her team are not resting on their laurels. They are already looking ahead to future improvements. “We’re always thinking about new projects to enhance communication,” she said. “The feedback we get from the field continues to be our guiding star.”

One exciting project on the horizon involves integrating more interactive elements into the dashboard. “We want to make it even more engaging and user-friendly,” Justina shared. “There’s always room for improvement.”

A Model for Success

L.L.Bean’s story is a fantastic example of how a well-planned, phased approach can lead to significant improvements in store communication. By making quick wins, collaborating with partners, and focusing on long-term enhancements, they created a system that works for everyone.

As Justina summed it up, “It’s all about listening to your teams, making thoughtful changes, and being willing to adapt. That’s how you drive successful outcomes.”

If you’re inspired by L.L.Bean’s story and want to learn more about how Zipline can help your organization, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you connect the dots and drive change in your own way!

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