Store Enablement Assessment




How do your frontline store teams currently receive communication from HQ?

To what extent are messages from HQ to frontline store teams personalized + targeted?

Do your store managers route specific HQ messages to individuals on their team using a central communications platform?

On average, what % of messages sent to frontline teams are opened/read?

Which statement below best describes your field teams' awareness and understanding of company priorities?

To what extent do your store teams understand the role they play in your company's larger vision + goals?

How and when does your company collect feedback from store teams? (e.g. effectiveness of promotions/strategies, customer sentiment, ideas, etc.)

Which statement below best describes the way your company uses feedback from store teams?

Which of the following statements best describes the way your frontline employees prioritize daily tasks?

On average, what % of tasks from HQ are completed correctly, and on time, in stores?

To what extent are store employees able to make autonomous decisions about how to drive business?

Which of the following statements best describes your company's HQ-to-store communication process?

Are messages and tasks sent to store teams together as one, or do teams receive them in separate platforms/channels?

Do you have a tool/platform in place that captures data you can use to optimize communications over time?

How does your company currently measure store execution and communication effectiveness?

Which of the following statements best describes the way this data helps you understand store performance?

What kind of technology do you use to manage communication to stores?

How do stores access live-long reference documents and directives?

To what extent are live-long reference documents targeted?

What is the current breadth of adoption of your store communication/task management solution(s)?

What's the current adoption rate of your store communication/task management solution(s)?

Almost there! 😅 One more thing:

(don’t worry, we won’t share this information!)